Thursday, October 16, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - ADHD

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD? ADHD symptoms include the inability to pay attention, concentrate or complete tasks and may include hyperactivity.

It can be difficult to accurately diagnose ADHD. Health professionals should be provided a detailed medical history of the client, as well as observe the clients behavior. Behavioral signs that may be indicators are as follows:

Attention Problems: disorganized, procrastination has problems starting and completing tasks, impulsive talking, inability to stay focused/on task.

Motor skill Problems: Difficulty maintaining visual attention, problems with motor skills, hyperactivity, the constant movement of legs & hands, fidgets excessively

Mood Problems: low self esteem, depressed, fits of anger, inappropriate interruptions, anxiety in group/social settings, and feeling out of control

Adults may experience addictions such as alcohol and drug abuse, abusive relationships and/or become criminal offenders. They also have difficulty holding a job or maintaining meaningful relationships.

There are no physical abnormalities but research has found biochemical and genetic changes in people with ADHD. Low Neurotransmitters such as Dopamine can cause compulsive and risk taking behavior and Low Serotonin levels are associated with increased aggression. Research also relates defects in the genes that control the dopamine receptors which are associated with addictions, compulsions, obesity and other personality traits.

The use of conventional treatments includes stimulant medications which work to suppress all spontaneous behavior. These are short term and come with some severe side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, depression, withdrawal, headaches and may even develop into emotional disturbances such as obsessive compulsive behavior, thereby initiating the need for antidepressant, sedatives and mood stabilizers. It is easy to see how conventional treatment can lead to vicious cycle of medicating symptoms. Stimulant medication has also been linked to increased blood pressure, liver damage, and lack of appetite, growth problems and a higher incidence of drug addiction.

With all the problems that can result from conventional treatments it is comforting to know that there are safer and effective alternative approaches to treating ADHD. These therapies include exercise, diet, supplementation, environmental changes and a mind/body approach. The following are some steps you can take using behavioral techniques.

Avoid Stressful Situations such as information overload.

Practice EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Meditation

Utilize Biofeedback to encourage calmness which increases impulse control and attention.

Evaluate the environment for molds, fungi, chemicals and heavy metals

Exercise Routine with combination of moderate to vigorous activity

Daily Routine is important to establish with specific times to go to bed, get up, meals, play, and do homework, games, TV, exercise, etc.

Eye Contact should always be maintained when speaking to someone with ADHD

Diet should be addressed and care taken to avoid processed foods, food additives and sugar. Increase intake of foods high in vitamins and minerals focusing on complex carbohydrates.

There are also nutritional supplements and herbal remedies that may improve the symptoms of ADHD. Supplementation of any kind, especially for children should be recommended by a qualified physician or practitioner.

These alternative therapies can be a safe and effective approach in managing ADHD. For more information please contact a natural therapies professional.

Pamela A Heyen

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - Aspartame

This week I want to give you some facts and information on a "dangerous substance" that you may be eating or drinking without being aware of the potential damage it is having on your health. This is not a whistle blowing article, these are proven, documented facts and I am empowering you with. You always have a choice to use these "tools" of information as it relates to your health.

"Aspartame", is the technical name for NutriSweet, Equal, Spoonful and Equal-Measure. Aspartame has been marketed to the public as a "diet aid" but the chemical nature of this substance defeats this alleged purpose by instilling a craving for calorie-laden carbohydrates. How many times have you seen someone washing down their "high carb" meal with a diet drink? When carbohydrates are consumed, there is an increase in levels of the chemical called serotonin in the brain. This increase is what gives the feeling of being relaxed after a meal. When that meal is being washed down with an "aspartame" (diet) drink, the brain ceases to produce the serotonin, and that feeling of "having enough or being full" never materializes. The result is more food (which also may contain aspartame), more aspartame (diet) drinks and the cycle continues. Aspartame directly alters brain chemicals.

Aspartame can be found in thousands of products:

Instant breakfasts Breath mints
Cereals Laxatives
Sugar free gum Cocoa mixes
Frozen desserts Gelatin desserts
Juice beverages Multivitamins
Shake mixes Soft drinks
Tabletop sweeteners Tea beverages
Instant teas & coffee Wine coolers
Yogurt Pharmaceuticals
OTC medications Supplements

If brain chemicals are being altered by this substance it only goes without saying that behavior is affected as well. The reduction in serotonin levels in the brain can manifest into depression and other emotional disorders. Research has suggested that people ingesting high doses and who are sensitive to aspartame may suffer from problems ranging from dizziness, to subtle brain changes, to mental retardation. This data also shows that a fetus may be at risk for these effects as well. There is also evidence of aspartame contributing to brain cancer.

There is concern for persons with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Research conducted by a specialist reports that aspartame leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes, causes poorer diabetic control, on insulin or oral dependent drugs, leads to aggravation of complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastro pareses and can cause convulsions.

The following are some of the symptoms of "Aspartame Sensitivity/Intoxication":
blurred vision, severe headaches, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, mood changes, ringing in the ear & hearing loss, loss of energy, loss of control of limbs, blindness, memory loss, slurred speech, hyperactivity, muscle & joint pain, loss or change of taste,
vertigo, insomnia, mild to severe depression, seizures, rashes, anxiety attacks, skin lesions, and symptoms mimicking a heart attack. These symptoms can be moderate to severe in each individual depending on their sensitivity level.

Aspartame changes brain chemistry. It also acts as an information transmitter, known as a neurotransmitter. Too much aspartame in the brain kills certain neurons triggering excessive amounts of free radicals which kill your cells or put in another way, they "excite" or simulate your neural cells to death. When a substantial number of these neurons are destroyed, clinical symptoms of a chronic illness may begin to manifest. The following chronic illnesses have been shown to be contributed to by the long term exposure to "stimulated" neuron damage.

Multiple Sclerosis
Memory or Hearing Loss
Hormonal Problems
Brain Lesions
Neuroendocrine Disorders

Now, as someone who is committed to taking control of your health, you can now make an educated choice to avoid consumable products containing Aspartame. Be aware! Read product labels!

By avoiding this substance, you may be avoiding serious health issues in the future as well as overcoming some of the health issues you are experiencing at present.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

Have an "Aspartame Free" week!
