Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - Hypertension

"Creating Your Healthy Life"

Today we are going to discuss "Hypertension" or "High Blood Pressure".

Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure or force that is applied against the artery walls as blood is carried through the circulatory system. It is recorded as a measurement of this force in relation to the heart's pumping activity, and is measured in millimeters of mercury. The top number, systolic pressure is the measurement of the pressure that occurs when the heart contracts of beats. The bottom number, or diastolic pressure, is the measurement recorded between beats, while the heart is at rest.

Hypertension itself is not a disease but, rather one warning of the manifestation of a disease. It is an indicator that the force required for blood flow is greater than normal. Because the heart is working harder than normal, high blood pressure increases the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, kidney failure and atherosclerosis. When the heart works harder, over a period of time, it tends to enlarge. High blood pressure also causes the arteries to become scarred, hardened and less elastic. This in turn can limit the amount of blood flowing to the organ; can cause blood clots in the arteries; and can ultimately damage the heart, brain and kidneys. Because persons with hypertension may not exhibit any symptoms, they often go undiagnosed until complications occur. This is why it is known as the "silent killer"!

Risk factors associated with hypertension that can be controlled are lifestyle related: obesity, lack of exercise, diet, stress, use of certain medications, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Hypertension is a powerful indicator of disease in other body systems. Thus, it is not just a blood pressure reduction numbers game therefore it is worthwhile to consider associated underlying cardiovascular disease and treatment protocols when treating hypertension as well as the individual's unique response to various conventional and integrated therapies. Conventional doctors treat hypertension in one or both ways, 1) change lifestyle and eating habits 2) prescribing medications. Alternative practitioners seek to address the underlying cause and correct it.

Maintaining adequate dietary minerals may protect against high blood pressure as well as adding nutrients which may reduce or eliminate the need for anti-hypertension medications. Individuals wanting to replace drugs with a supplement protocol must do so with the cooperation of a physician and have their blood pressure taken regularly.

Please feel free to email me with your questions and/or comments.
Have a FABULOUS week!
Blessings! PAM


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - ADHD

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD? ADHD symptoms include the inability to pay attention, concentrate or complete tasks and may include hyperactivity.

It can be difficult to accurately diagnose ADHD. Health professionals should be provided a detailed medical history of the client, as well as observe the clients behavior. Behavioral signs that may be indicators are as follows:

Attention Problems: disorganized, procrastination has problems starting and completing tasks, impulsive talking, inability to stay focused/on task.

Motor skill Problems: Difficulty maintaining visual attention, problems with motor skills, hyperactivity, the constant movement of legs & hands, fidgets excessively

Mood Problems: low self esteem, depressed, fits of anger, inappropriate interruptions, anxiety in group/social settings, and feeling out of control

Adults may experience addictions such as alcohol and drug abuse, abusive relationships and/or become criminal offenders. They also have difficulty holding a job or maintaining meaningful relationships.

There are no physical abnormalities but research has found biochemical and genetic changes in people with ADHD. Low Neurotransmitters such as Dopamine can cause compulsive and risk taking behavior and Low Serotonin levels are associated with increased aggression. Research also relates defects in the genes that control the dopamine receptors which are associated with addictions, compulsions, obesity and other personality traits.

The use of conventional treatments includes stimulant medications which work to suppress all spontaneous behavior. These are short term and come with some severe side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, depression, withdrawal, headaches and may even develop into emotional disturbances such as obsessive compulsive behavior, thereby initiating the need for antidepressant, sedatives and mood stabilizers. It is easy to see how conventional treatment can lead to vicious cycle of medicating symptoms. Stimulant medication has also been linked to increased blood pressure, liver damage, and lack of appetite, growth problems and a higher incidence of drug addiction.

With all the problems that can result from conventional treatments it is comforting to know that there are safer and effective alternative approaches to treating ADHD. These therapies include exercise, diet, supplementation, environmental changes and a mind/body approach. The following are some steps you can take using behavioral techniques.

Avoid Stressful Situations such as information overload.

Practice EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Meditation

Utilize Biofeedback to encourage calmness which increases impulse control and attention.

Evaluate the environment for molds, fungi, chemicals and heavy metals

Exercise Routine with combination of moderate to vigorous activity

Daily Routine is important to establish with specific times to go to bed, get up, meals, play, and do homework, games, TV, exercise, etc.

Eye Contact should always be maintained when speaking to someone with ADHD

Diet should be addressed and care taken to avoid processed foods, food additives and sugar. Increase intake of foods high in vitamins and minerals focusing on complex carbohydrates.

There are also nutritional supplements and herbal remedies that may improve the symptoms of ADHD. Supplementation of any kind, especially for children should be recommended by a qualified physician or practitioner.

These alternative therapies can be a safe and effective approach in managing ADHD. For more information please contact a natural therapies professional.

Pamela A Heyen

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - Aspartame

This week I want to give you some facts and information on a "dangerous substance" that you may be eating or drinking without being aware of the potential damage it is having on your health. This is not a whistle blowing article, these are proven, documented facts and I am empowering you with. You always have a choice to use these "tools" of information as it relates to your health.

"Aspartame", is the technical name for NutriSweet, Equal, Spoonful and Equal-Measure. Aspartame has been marketed to the public as a "diet aid" but the chemical nature of this substance defeats this alleged purpose by instilling a craving for calorie-laden carbohydrates. How many times have you seen someone washing down their "high carb" meal with a diet drink? When carbohydrates are consumed, there is an increase in levels of the chemical called serotonin in the brain. This increase is what gives the feeling of being relaxed after a meal. When that meal is being washed down with an "aspartame" (diet) drink, the brain ceases to produce the serotonin, and that feeling of "having enough or being full" never materializes. The result is more food (which also may contain aspartame), more aspartame (diet) drinks and the cycle continues. Aspartame directly alters brain chemicals.

Aspartame can be found in thousands of products:

Instant breakfasts Breath mints
Cereals Laxatives
Sugar free gum Cocoa mixes
Frozen desserts Gelatin desserts
Juice beverages Multivitamins
Shake mixes Soft drinks
Tabletop sweeteners Tea beverages
Instant teas & coffee Wine coolers
Yogurt Pharmaceuticals
OTC medications Supplements

If brain chemicals are being altered by this substance it only goes without saying that behavior is affected as well. The reduction in serotonin levels in the brain can manifest into depression and other emotional disorders. Research has suggested that people ingesting high doses and who are sensitive to aspartame may suffer from problems ranging from dizziness, to subtle brain changes, to mental retardation. This data also shows that a fetus may be at risk for these effects as well. There is also evidence of aspartame contributing to brain cancer.

There is concern for persons with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Research conducted by a specialist reports that aspartame leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes, causes poorer diabetic control, on insulin or oral dependent drugs, leads to aggravation of complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastro pareses and can cause convulsions.

The following are some of the symptoms of "Aspartame Sensitivity/Intoxication":
blurred vision, severe headaches, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, mood changes, ringing in the ear & hearing loss, loss of energy, loss of control of limbs, blindness, memory loss, slurred speech, hyperactivity, muscle & joint pain, loss or change of taste,
vertigo, insomnia, mild to severe depression, seizures, rashes, anxiety attacks, skin lesions, and symptoms mimicking a heart attack. These symptoms can be moderate to severe in each individual depending on their sensitivity level.

Aspartame changes brain chemistry. It also acts as an information transmitter, known as a neurotransmitter. Too much aspartame in the brain kills certain neurons triggering excessive amounts of free radicals which kill your cells or put in another way, they "excite" or simulate your neural cells to death. When a substantial number of these neurons are destroyed, clinical symptoms of a chronic illness may begin to manifest. The following chronic illnesses have been shown to be contributed to by the long term exposure to "stimulated" neuron damage.

Multiple Sclerosis
Memory or Hearing Loss
Hormonal Problems
Brain Lesions
Neuroendocrine Disorders

Now, as someone who is committed to taking control of your health, you can now make an educated choice to avoid consumable products containing Aspartame. Be aware! Read product labels!

By avoiding this substance, you may be avoiding serious health issues in the future as well as overcoming some of the health issues you are experiencing at present.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

Have an "Aspartame Free" week!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - What is Holistic Healthcare?

I have been asked, "What is Holistic Healthcare"? So, today, I am going to give you an overview of what Holistic Healthcare is and what it means for you.

The web definition of the word "Holistic": Pertaining to the whole body; treatment of disease by taking into consideration every part of the body to bring the internal environment into balance.

You may also have heard the term Mind, Body and Spirit, so let's break those down into definitions as well.

Mind: Mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

Body: The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal.

Spirit: Your values, ideals, beliefs as it relates to each other and the world around you.

Holistic Healthcare guides you, educates you and supports you on a journey to balance your whole being, creating a state of harmonic health!

When illness or disease manifests in your physical body there are usually underlying issues that may have contributed and need to be addressed. A simple example would be a headache.
Let's say you are experiencing frequent headaches. Your head begins to pound, so you reach for an analgesic to relieve the pain. In a short time, the headache is relieved, symptom have been addressed and resolved but, why you are experiencing these headaches.
Over a period of months taking the analgesic, you now are experiencing a new symptom along with the headache, stomach upset. So, along with the analgesic you begin to take something to soothe that upset stomach symptom. Once again the symptom is addressed and resolved until…..that upset stomach remedy results in a very uncomfortable condition known as constipation.
Now, you are miserable, can't sleep, bloated and cranky. Now you have constipation, upset stomach AND a headache. Do you see how addressing the symptoms and not the underlying cause can snowball into a chronic condition?

How could you have treated this initial headache holistically?
Let's start by addressing what the underlying condition could be by asking the following questions.

Your Mind….are you feeling out of control, overwhelmed, overworked?

Your Body….are you tense, muscles tight, sitting or standing for hours doing repetitive work?

Your Spirit…do you believe you have to struggle everyday to be successful, to be valued, to survive?

If the answer to these questions is yes, you are just one of millions who are experiencing a headache due to STRESS! So, what can you do to address it?
Let's go back and address the underlying condition STRESS, as it relates to:

Your Mind….educate you on how to meditate, quiet your mind, be present.

Your Body…educate you on relaxation techniques, therapies and if necessary supplementation

Your Spirit…educate you on how to change your beliefs to achieve balanced health

Now, you have the tools to take control of your health and address the underlying issues thereby avoiding the manifestation of a chronic illness. Holistic Healthcare helps you to identify and resolve your health issues by educating, guiding and supporting your option to heal naturally. Your body was designed to heal itself but you must be willing to be an active participant by listening to what it is telling you and responding to its needs.

Holistic Healthcare is nothing more than You taking control of your own whole health by being informed of the natural remedies and therapies available and making a choice. Holistic Healthcare providers are there to assist you with those choices and make them available to you!

Have a "Holistic Healthy" week!



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - Arthritis

Chronic inflammation inflicts devastating effects, especially as we grow older. Systemic inflammation is a common culprit contributing too many degenerative diseases such as arthritis. It can also manifest into atherosclerosis, heart valve dysfunction, congestive heart failure, Alzheimer's and even cancer.

Since I addressed inflammation in a previous article, I would like to concentrate on one of these degenerative diseases that inflammation contributes to, arthritis.

The word arthritis means "Inflammation of the joint". There are two very distinct types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both are painful and are the leading cause of disability in people over the age of 64.

Conventional medicine offer temporary relief from the symptoms which may result in side effects such as ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Some arthritis medication can actually worsen the condition by speeding up joint destruction.

What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a gradual decay which usually affects the knees, hips, spinal and hand joints. This degeneration causes pain, swelling, deformation and reduced range of motion. The erosion of the cartilage and erosion of bone results in a loss of shock absorption and the underlying bone begins to thicken and bone spurs are formed. As it worsens there is significant pain and disability. The use of pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs over time may result in undesirable long-term effects.

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks body tissues as if they were foreign invaders. There is erosion of cartilage and of bone, as well as chronic inflammation and thickening of the membrane that surrounds the affected joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be directly related to chronic inflammatory syndrome. The swelled joints may feel warm to the touch and look red. There is also a general feeling of sickness, fatigue, weight loss and fever. The conventional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is relatively safe but the medication itself suppresses not only the symptoms but a much needed enzyme that our bodies need to fight acute infectious diseases which can result in a serious infections.

The conventional treatments for both of these degenerative diseases involve blocking of the inflammatory pathways that are causing the cartilage destruction. There are however, natural therapies that work along these same pathways and without the dangerous side effects.

Modifying the diet can help block common inflammatory pathways. Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided:

Fatty Red Meat
Organ Meats (liver, kidney, etc.)
Egg Yolks
White Bread

A simple change in the diet in addition to suggested supplementation may have a significant beneficial impact on arthritis sufferers.

If you would like information on how to get started combating your arthritis with dietary changes, please contact me! I will be happy to send you a dietary plan to get started on!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - Genetically Modified Foods

The Western diet has a love affair with "fast food". There are sugar laden breakfast cereals, snack cakes, fruit juices, and soft drinks. Our frozen, "already prepared" dinners and appetizers are high in sodium. Then add into that our "fast food" restaurants with foods high in fat and cholesterol, including but not limited to fried hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken, fried pies and the list goes on. These are a few of the food choices made every day by millions of people in our society. Study after study has shown us that a diet of these foods will adversely affect our health. Eating too much sugar can result in diabetes...too much sodium can result in high blood pressure....too much fat can result in clogged arteries leading to coronary and heart disease. All these things combined can lead to obesity which then begins to affect our bones, joints, cartilage and nervous system. Before long, you have a body with chronic disease(s) and riddled with inflammation!

These are our obvious "food enemies", but what about the unobvious? What other "foods" in our common Western diet, could result in chronic disease? According to Andrew Kinbrall AAL, the Head of Food Safety in Washington, D.C., All our food sources are questionable. Our food supply is being "genetically polluted" from the very first link in the food chain, the SEED! Scientists are just now beginning to study and question the affects of DNA altered foods on humans. In our quest to produce bigger and better foods, we may have opened ourselves up to a biotechnological nightmare.

Professor Terje Traavie at the institute of Gene Ecology in Norway is researching what effects genetically modified foods may have o organisms. His study of mice injected with growth hormones has shown that the foreign DNA material is found in their internal organs and then gone on to invade their DNA. His concern s that there is no control groups for these "genetically modified" foods which are on our tables in our homes and our restaurants being eaten by millions. There are no labels to advise us as a society what we are eating; it is to the benefit of these "genetically modified" food companies to keep the consumer ignorant.

Many scientists believe that many chronic illnesses and diseases and the weakening of the immune system may be a result of these biotechnological altered foods. This could account for innumerable cancers, the unexplained auto-immune diseases such as CFS, Fibromyalgia, Epstein-Barr Syndrome to name a few, as well as chronic headaches, migraines, even arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases. No one knows for sure what the long term effects will be on the human body. No one knows for what the long term effects will be on our future generations.

The facts known and documented are only on the effects of the animals being injected with this DNA altering technology. Some cows and pigs injected with growth hormones have suffered from unspeakable nervous system side effects, unable to walk or even stand. Some are so grossly large that they suffer respiratory distress and skeletal breakdown. DNA altered fish have produced offspring with birth defects and chickens that have been altered tot extinguish the brooking instinct have exhibited aggressive behavior. Even our wildlife is being put at risk with genetic altered grains and the escape of genetic altered fish into our streams and rivers. This genetic revolution has not been observed in a real eco system with real organisms and there could be an ecological catastrophe or alarming disease.

Everyone must take responsibility for their own health and know as much as they can about what they put into their bodies. We cannot depend on the purity of our food sources off the shelf or plate anymore. That healthy looking salad filled with fruits and/or vegetables, nuts, seeds, baked chicken strips and drizzled with olive oil, just may be a ticking time bomb when it comes to our bodies and "chronic disease"!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life

Today's topic is "Inflammation" in the body!
What causes inflammation and how does it affect us? One of the causes of inflammation in the body is an overgrowth of yeast or "candida". Yeast can wreak havoc on our bodies and manifest in many forms of disease and illness; heart disease, cancer, memory loss, obesity, fibromyalgia and other chronic, auto-immune and degenerative diseases.
These illness do not manifest overnight, they are the result of chronic inflammation over the course of years.

Candida albicans is a yeast that occurs naturally in the body where it has a beneficial action in the gut when kept under control. When it becomes out of control, and the balance is disturbed, the yeast begins causing symptoms ranging from digestive upsets, lethargy, allergy reactions, skin complaints through infections of the mouth and vaginal tract. The toxins released by this overgrowth affect the whole body; muscle pain, stiffness, weakness, headaches, blurry vision, intense fatigue, acne, hives, athletes foot, joint pains, depression, inability to concentrate, intestinal upsets and post nasal drip.

This imbalance may occur because of the following:
Weakened or overworked adrenal glands
Unhealthy lifestyle
Lowered Immunity
Prolonged courses of antibiotics
Birth control pills
Antibiotic & hormonal residues in meat
Chlorine & fluorine in water
Additives & preservatives in food
Diet high in white sugar & flour
Unknown food sensitivities & allergies
Environmental Toxins

Once we realize and understand that yeast may be playing a role in our health, we can take the steps necessary to stop the growth and regain balance. Our body cannot heal if it is constantly being re-inflammed .

If you have more than five of the chronic inflammation symptoms, here are some things that you can do.

1) Detoxify
2) Avoid Carbohydrates
3) Eat more fruits & vegetables
4) Eat GOOD fats
5) Decongest the lymphatic system - BE ACTIVE
6) Support the adrenals
7) Use Natural Anti-Inflammatories

If you need more information or have questions, please feel free to email me!

Have a FABULOUS week!

Blessings! PAM

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life

FIBROMYALGIA-What you should know

Muscle aches, spasms, fatigue, weakness in the arms and legs, inability to concentrate (brain fog), sleep disturbance and depression. These are some of the common complaints related to Fibromyalgia. This chronic illness which affects approximately four percent of the population and nine times more women than men has no known cure. Anti-Seizure drugs, pain relievers, antidepressants and muscle relaxants are some of the common prescribed medications to treat the symptoms.

My personal experience with Fibromyalgia brought me to the realization that this chronic illness is not just “one” illness but a combination of the body’s organs and systems that are unable to function properly resulting in the aforementioned symptoms and complaints. Not treating the underlying cause of the illness only results in a vicious cycle of drugs and their side effects.

I have listed ten of the issues that I addressed and should be addressed if you suffer from this illness.

1. STRESS! Chronic stress plays a major role in our health, robbing our bodies of nutrients and required sleep which in turn reduces our resistance to disease and chronic inflammation, i.e., fibromyalgia.

2. Environmental Toxins is next on my list. Not many conventional doctors address this issue because there are just too many to test for. If you have ever come in contact with chemicals on the job, lived on a farm, eaten foods high in preservatives or additives, i.e., MSG, used household chemicals to clean or you use personal care products that are high in chemicals, you probably have been exposed to environmental toxins.

3. Diet is another issue that is sometimes overlooked. Are you a junk food junkie? Do you snack, eat out a lot, eat prepackaged meals! Your diet could be a contributing factor to your illness. Refined carbohydrates and processed fats are adding fuel to an already inflamed body. This inflammation aggravates arthritis, aches and pains, bowel disorders and contributes to heart disease, diabetes and memory loss. Avoid caffeine and NO soft drinks! Learn to live without the sugar and caffeine but remember to wean yourself off of caffeine by reducing the number of cups of coffee or glasses of tea or cans of soda.

4. Drugs, both over the counter and prescribed give the illusion of addressing health issues. They do not treat the underlying cause; they only treat the symptom(s) related to the underlying cause. The body was not designed to process these toxic substances and treats them as such. When a drug is absolutely a necessity, educate yourself to possible alternative methods that could be used. Never stop any medication without professional guidance.

5. Hydration is another often overlooked but a very important issue. You must learn to drink at least 8 large glasses of filtered water a day. Water is crucial to our bodily functions! If you do nothing else for yourself, do this. Pure water helps our bodies rid itself of toxins by flushing them out of our systems. It’s like a refreshing shower for your internal organs!

6. Get yourself on a sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get at least 8 hrs of rest and then get up at the same time every morning. The body likes a schedule, knowing when it can relax, refresh and heal itself. It also likes to know when it will be nourished and exercised. There are natural supplements that can help set the sleep clock in the brain. The bodies need for sleep is more important than you realize.

7. A sluggish thyroid may also contribute to fibromyalgia. It can cause weight gain, fatigue, depression and many other complaints. The thyroid can be supported with natural supplements.

8. Exhausted adrenals, this can rob us of sleep and energy due mainly in part to good ole stress. The adrenals help us to cope, give us energy, and regulate our mineral, fluid and blood sugar. Adrenals can also be supported with natural supplements.

9. With a poor diet and overload of toxins (including medications) the liver becomes compromised. When nutrients are deficient and there are too many toxins the liver does not function properly resulting in internal toxicity. Most people suffering with fibromyalgia have a stressed liver due to all the medications. The liver needs to be detoxified and at the same time supported with natural supplementation

10. Another issue that is not usually addressed by conventional doctors is Candida or yeast. When our immune system is suppressed, this friendly bacteria is decreased by the antibiotics we take directly or indirectly, by pesticides, chlorine and other toxins and fed by our craving for sweets and refined carbohydrates. When this happens there is a shift from the good yeast form to the fungal form. This yeast overgrowth can cause inflammation throughout the body. A yeast detoxification should be done to balance the condition.

These are some of the underlying conditions that could be contributing to your chronic illness. You should contact a qualified alternative practitioner or physician to create a personalized protocol for you. Every individual is unique in their health and in their illness.



Monday, September 29, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life

Last week we discussed Hypertension so I thought it only fitting to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and discuss Hypotension or, "low blood pressure".

Low blood pressure causes an inadequate flow of blood to the heart, brain and other organs. The lack of blood flow throughout the body can slow down the body's metabolism causing a host of health related symptoms. Our bodies depend on blood flow for proper organ function and to assist with waste and toxin removal.

Constant low blood pressure can result in fatigue, lack of energy and headaches. Very low blood pressure can result in dizziness and loss of consciousness. There is usually no underlying cause but there may be contributory factors such as bleeding ulcer, heavy menstrual periods, inadequate diet or malfunction of the circulatory system or adrenal insufficiency.

There are some lifestyle modifications that can be effective: 1) Diet containing adequate levels of iron and protein 2) Adequate exercise 3) Increased fluid intake. Low blood pressure can also be treated alternatively with essential oils, herbs & herbal teas as well as vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Please email me with your questions/comments!
Have a FABULOUS week!!
Blessings! PAM

Friday, September 26, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life

Today we are going to discuss "Hypertension" or "High Blood Pressure".

Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure or force that is applied against the artery walls as blood is carried through the circulatory system. It is recorded as a measurement of this force in relation to the heart's pumping activity, and is measured in millimeters of mercury. The top number, systolic pressure is the measurement of the pressure that occurs when the heart contracts of beats. The bottom number, or diastolic pressure, is the measurement recorded between beats, while the heart is at rest.

Hypertension itself is not a disease but, rather one warning of the manifestation of a disease. It is an indicator that the force required for blood flow is greater than normal. Because the heart is working harder than normal, high blood pressure increases the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, kidney failure and atherosclerosis. When the heart works harder, over a period of time, it tends to enlarge. High blood pressure also causes the arteries to become scarred, hardened and less elastic. This in turn can limit the amount of blood flowing to the organ; can cause blood clots in the arteries; and can ultimately damage the heart, brain and kidneys. Because persons with hypertension may not exhibit any symptoms, they often go undiagnosed until complications occur. This is why it is known as the "silent killer"!

Risk factors associated with hypertension that can be controlled are lifestyle related: obesity, lack of exercise, diet, stress, use of certain medications, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Hypertension is a powerful indicator of disease in other body systems. Thus, it is not just a blood pressure reduction numbers game therefore it is worthwhile to consider associated underlying cardiovascular disease and treatment protocols when treating hypertension as well as the individual's unique response to various conventional and integrated therapies. Conventional doctors treat hypertension in one or both ways, 1) change lifestyle and eating habits 2) prescribing medications. Alternative practitioners seek to address the underlying cause and correct it.

Maintaining adequate dietary minerals may protect against high blood pressure as well as adding nutrients which may reduce or eliminate the need for anti-hypertension medications. Individuals wanting to replace drugs with a supplement protocol must do so with the cooperation of a physician and have their blood pressure taken regularly.

Please feel free to email me with your questions and/or comments.
Have a FABULOUS week!
Blessings! PAM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life

Today, I want to give you some facts and information on a "dangerous substance" that you may be eating or drinking without being aware of the potential damage it is having on your health. This is not a whistle blowing article, these are proven, documented facts and I am empowering you with. You always have a choice to use these "tools" of information as it relates to your health.

"Aspartame", is the technical name for NutriSweet, Equal, Spoonful and Equal-Measure. Aspartame has been marketed to the public as a "diet aid" but the chemical nature of this substance defeats this alleged purpose by instilling a craving for calorie-laden carbohydrates. How many times have you seen someone washing down their "high carb" meal with a diet drink? When carbohydrates are consumed, there is an increase in levels of the chemical called serotonin in the brain. This increase is what gives the feeling of being relaxed after a meal. When that meal is being washed down with an "aspartame" (diet) drink, the brain ceases to produce the serotonin, and that feeling of "having enough or being full" never materializes. The result is more food (which also may contain aspartame), more aspartame (diet) drinks and the cycle continues. Aspartame directly alters brain chemicals.

Aspartame can be found in thousands of products:

Instant breakfasts Breath mints
Cereals Laxatives
Sugar free gum Cocoa mixes
Frozen desserts Gelatin desserts
Juice beverages Multivitamins
Shake mixes Soft drinks
Tabletop sweeteners Tea beverages
Instant teas & coffee Wine coolers
Yogurt Pharmaceuticals
OTC medications Supplements

If brain chemicals are being altered by this substance it only goes without saying that behavior is affected as well. The reduction in serotonin levels in the brain can manifest into depression and other emotional disorders. Research has suggested that people ingesting high doses and who are sensitive to aspartame may suffer from problems ranging from dizziness, to subtle brain changes, to mental retardation. This data also shows that a fetus may be at risk for these effects as well. There is also evidence of aspartame contributing to brain cancer.

There is concern for persons with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Research conducted by a specialist reports that aspartame leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes, causes poorer diabetic control, on insulin or oral dependent drugs, leads to aggravation of complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastro pareses and can cause convulsions.

The following are some of the symptoms of "Aspartame Sensitivity/Intoxication":
blurred vision, severe headaches, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, mood changes, ringing in the ear & hearing loss, loss of energy, loss of control of limbs, blindness, memory loss, slurred speech, hyperactivity, muscle & joint pain, loss or change of taste,
vertigo, insomnia, mild to severe depression, seizures, rashes, anxiety attacks, skin lesions, and symptoms mimicking a heart attack. These symptoms can be moderate to severe in each individual depending on their sensitivity level.

Aspartame changes brain chemistry. It also acts as an information transmitter, known as a neurotransmitter. Too much aspartame in the brain kills certain neurons triggering excessive amounts of free radicals which kill your cells or put in another way, they "excite" or simulate your neural cells to death. When a substantial number of these neurons are destroyed, clinical symptoms of a chronic illness may begin to manifest. The following chronic illnesses have been shown to be contributed to by the long term exposure to "stimulated" neuron damage.

Multiple Sclerosis
Memory or Hearing Loss
Hormonal Problems
Brain Lesions
Neuroendocrine Disorders

Now, as someone who is committed to taking control of your health, you can now make an educated choice to avoid consumable products containing Aspartame. Be aware! Read product labels!

By avoiding this substance, you may be avoiding serious health issues in the future as well as overcoming some of the health issues you are experiencing at present.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me!

Have an "Aspartame Free" week!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life

Today I am going to empower you with information on "stress"! We all have some amount of stress in our daily lives, some more than others. Our jobs, our bills, our kids, our spouses and so on, can and do create stress in our lives.

Some of us are conscious of our stressors and respond with fits of anger and rage. Some of us ignore stress and bury it deep within ourselves, happy on the outside and a mess on the inside. Some of us are even unconscious of being stressed, the perfect human, nothing rattles their cage.

No matter which category you relate to, chronic stress is a ticking time bomb for health! Chronic stress can and will manifest into physical illnesses and disease!

Under stress, our brains send chemical messages which release hormones. These hormones tense our muscles, make our heart beat more rapidly which increases our blood pressure, speeds up our breathing, slows down digestion and other bodily functions. It causes our blood sugar levels to rise and increases our blood clotting factors.

These responses to "chronic stress" can lead to digestive problems, constipation, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure, blood clotting, diabetes, obesity, asthma, autoimmune disorders (lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.), infection risks and even cancer.

This week, be conscious of your stressors; be conscious of your reaction to your stressors. Are you feeling stressed more than one hour a day? One day a week? Are you stressed more than you are unstressed?

Here are 7 things you can do everyday to reduce your stress and the affects it has on your health:

1. Breathe deeply - make a point once every hour to take 5 deep breaths, exhaling slowly …set a timer! You will feel the tension melt away!

2. Practice Relaxation - 20 minutes a day, close your eyes, consciously relax your muscles starting at your toes and go all the way to the top of your head. Say to yourself, I am now relaxing my toes….deep breathe, exhale...I am now relaxing my feet….deep breathe, exhale... I am now relaxing my ankles and so on.

3. Drink WATER! Keep yourself hydrated with pure water!
At least 8 glasses of pure water a day!

4. Take a walk. Walk for 30 minutes a day or break it down into 10 minutes walks 3x a day. Just get moving!

5. Avoid caffeine and refined sugars. Take it slow, if you are a heavy caffeine user, reduce your intake slowly. If you have a sweet tooth, limit yourself on the number of sweets.

6. Eat more food containing good fats. Real butter, nuts, olive oil, flax seed oil and omega 3 fatty acids to help with nerve function.

7. Sleep - get yourself on a schedule of at least 8 hrs of restful sleep per night.

Take the time to listen to your body, be aware of how you are feeling, how you are responding! If I can be of any help or you have any questions, please email me!

Have a FABULOUS, Stress FREE week!

Blessings! PAM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Holistic Healthcare Has Just Become More Convenient!

The internet has changed our world, and now it has tranformed the way you communicate with your Healthcare Practitioner! Our "Virtual Office" has made it possible for you to access healthcare from your home, with a click of a button. There are no geographical limitations, you can have personalized care from almost anywhere in the world.

This cutting edge technology developed by "ZYTO" facilitates Bio-Communication by allowing a conversation to take place between a computer and your body in a quick and painless way. This process is called a bio-survey which can be a significant tool for recommending specific remedies and therapies for your personalized protocol.

What are the benefits of the "Virtual Office"?

As a client of our "Virtual Office", you will receive a hand cradle which will connect to your computer in the comfort and convenience of your home. You can schedule a time that works with your schedule!

Who would benefit from the "Virtual Office"?
Anyone who is looking for an alternative option to improve their current health!

How would the "Virtual Office" benefit me?
The Limbic Stress Assessment "Virtual Office" allows your body to tell you what organs and/or systems are not in balance. When the body is not in balance, chronic illness and/or disease can manifest.

What does a "Virtual Office" appoinment entail?
Once you have received your hand cradle, our office will contact you for a "new client" consultation. After completing the telephone consultation, you will be directed to place your hand on the hand cradle and the assessment will begin. Upon completion of the assessment you will be called with the results and information on the recommended supplementation, as well as a personal protocol to follow. The assessment report with the three recommended supplement dosages will also be emailed to you. Your supplements will be mailed directly to you within 3-5
days. This intital appointment will take upt to 90 minutes.

How often do I need to have a "Virtual Office" appointment?
A follow up assessment should be scheduled 30 days from the day the recommended supplementation was started. You will have the option to schedule your follow up appointment at your convenience using our virtual calender which will show availability.

What support do I have as a "Virtual Office" client?
As a "Virtual Office" client, you have unlimited email support for questions and/or comments.

How do I get started?
You can email us at pam@heyenwellnesstherapies.com or call us at 573-234-4294.