Thursday, October 9, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - What is Holistic Healthcare?

I have been asked, "What is Holistic Healthcare"? So, today, I am going to give you an overview of what Holistic Healthcare is and what it means for you.

The web definition of the word "Holistic": Pertaining to the whole body; treatment of disease by taking into consideration every part of the body to bring the internal environment into balance.

You may also have heard the term Mind, Body and Spirit, so let's break those down into definitions as well.

Mind: Mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

Body: The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal.

Spirit: Your values, ideals, beliefs as it relates to each other and the world around you.

Holistic Healthcare guides you, educates you and supports you on a journey to balance your whole being, creating a state of harmonic health!

When illness or disease manifests in your physical body there are usually underlying issues that may have contributed and need to be addressed. A simple example would be a headache.
Let's say you are experiencing frequent headaches. Your head begins to pound, so you reach for an analgesic to relieve the pain. In a short time, the headache is relieved, symptom have been addressed and resolved but, why you are experiencing these headaches.
Over a period of months taking the analgesic, you now are experiencing a new symptom along with the headache, stomach upset. So, along with the analgesic you begin to take something to soothe that upset stomach symptom. Once again the symptom is addressed and resolved until…..that upset stomach remedy results in a very uncomfortable condition known as constipation.
Now, you are miserable, can't sleep, bloated and cranky. Now you have constipation, upset stomach AND a headache. Do you see how addressing the symptoms and not the underlying cause can snowball into a chronic condition?

How could you have treated this initial headache holistically?
Let's start by addressing what the underlying condition could be by asking the following questions.

Your Mind….are you feeling out of control, overwhelmed, overworked?

Your Body….are you tense, muscles tight, sitting or standing for hours doing repetitive work?

Your Spirit…do you believe you have to struggle everyday to be successful, to be valued, to survive?

If the answer to these questions is yes, you are just one of millions who are experiencing a headache due to STRESS! So, what can you do to address it?
Let's go back and address the underlying condition STRESS, as it relates to:

Your Mind….educate you on how to meditate, quiet your mind, be present.

Your Body…educate you on relaxation techniques, therapies and if necessary supplementation

Your Spirit…educate you on how to change your beliefs to achieve balanced health

Now, you have the tools to take control of your health and address the underlying issues thereby avoiding the manifestation of a chronic illness. Holistic Healthcare helps you to identify and resolve your health issues by educating, guiding and supporting your option to heal naturally. Your body was designed to heal itself but you must be willing to be an active participant by listening to what it is telling you and responding to its needs.

Holistic Healthcare is nothing more than You taking control of your own whole health by being informed of the natural remedies and therapies available and making a choice. Holistic Healthcare providers are there to assist you with those choices and make them available to you!

Have a "Holistic Healthy" week!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fantastic and interesting article! I am so glad that people who suffer from chronic conditions have an alternative that really works! Thank you, Pam, for explaining holistic healthcare in a way that the average person can understand!